Our Lands
Unangam Tanangin
Ounalashka Corporation is the major landowner on Unalaska, Amaknak, and Sedanka Islands. Under ANCSA, OC was entitled to 115,000 acres of land in these areas.
Respect the Land
WWII contamination, litter, terrain damage from four-wheelers, snowmobiles, and motorcycles, disturbance of archaeological sites, irresponsible campfires, and disregard for private property have damaged our lands in the past and continue to do so in the present. This misuse of our lands prompted OC to launch a campaign to educate the public on appropriate land use. Policies were adopted that prohibit littering, vandalism, graffiti, and off-road vehicles on OC lands. Security officers report on all activities and assist visitors.
Land Use
All visitors to Ounalashka Corporation (OC) lands are required to obtain a Land Use Permit, and certain activities of non-Shareholder visitors are not allowed or may be restricted to specific areas.
Permits are free for OC Shareholders and descendants.
Use of OC lands without a permit is considered trespass. Trespassers may be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. OC reserves the right to withhold approval of any permit request.
If you wish to use OC’s lands for subsistence or recreation, you may click through to the Land Use Permit below to find more information and submit your permit. For more information or to purchase a permit for commercial or educational purposes, contact info@ounalashka.com or lsyverson@ounalashka.com.
Berry Picking Guidelines
Qaayun Laaxtan! Let’s gather berries!
Ounalashka Corporation prohibits the commercial use of harvested berries.
In Unalaska, it is customary to pick responsibly by following these guidelines:
- Berries that are easy to access are for Elders to pick. If you are able-bodied please do not pick berries that you think Elders would like to have – instead, hike a bit and find yourself a secret spot!
- Do not over-harvest, only take what you are capable of processing and using for subsistence. Please remember that you are accessing a traditional food source and over-harvesting can hinder food security.
- Do not damage the berry bushes or terrain in the harvesting process.
- Do not break branches to bring home or damage the new growth by using berry picking devices. Berry picking devices are successful when used gently and with caution.
- Do not dig up bushes to be replanted in a different location.
Please be sure to refer to our berry harvesting guidelines before gathering on our lands. These guidelines can be downloaded here.
Other Helpful Resources
Mapping Iluulux̂